The History of Coffee

Coffee is consumed, appreciated and prominent in almost every country worldwide. Have you ever wondered where coffee came from? How it came to be? Well, here is a brief history of where your favourite hot beverage came from:

The coffee we love, regardless of where we live, can be traced all the way back to Ethiopia. Its heritage dates back numerous centuries to ancient times. It is believed that a goat herder named Kaldi found the beans that coffee is made out of. It was actually apparently his goat who actually found the beans and Kaldi noticed that after having eaten them, his goat could and would not sleep and was extremely energetic. Kaldi was so excited that he apparently took the beans and his story to a local monastery who tested Kaldi’s story by making a beverage with the beans and after drinking it, the monastery found himself more alert and able to stay awake through his evening prayers. The word started to spread about these “energizing berries” and others started to seek out these beans. The word spread as far as the Arabian peninsula at which point coffee started its journey to international stardom.

It didn’t take long for others to figure out how to grow the beans and by the 16th century, coffee was cultivated and grown places like Arabia, Egypt, Syria and even Turkey.

Coffee made its debut in Europe in the 17th century when travelers returned to Europe with tales of a dark and energizing beverage. Soon curiosity and interest peaked and coffee gained popularity and made a name for itself across Europe.

The New World didn’t embrace coffee with such open arms, largely due to the popularity of tea but when the Boston Tea Party took place, coffee started to take the spot of tea and gained popularity amongst Brits and Americans.

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